Embracing Fear As Your Ally

Hi there, wonderful souls! In today's transformative session, let's explore fear, its wisdom, and the transformative power it holds - learn how we can reshape our connection with it. Can fear be our guide? Perhaps an ally in disguise? I'm excited to share a few insights that can transform your relationship with fear and empower you to use it to your advantage.

Fear as an Expression of Love

Fear, Neil Donald Walsh teaches us, is intricately tied to love. It serves as a signal, a testament to the things we deeply care about. If you're not encountering fear on your growth path, it might be time to redirect your energy towards what truly matters.

Give Fear an Energetic Release

Fear is an emotion. It is energy that needs to move. So by recognizing fear as energy in motion, we follow the wisdom of Carl Jung which reminds us that resisting fear only makes it persist and grow. So allow yourself to feel the fear and get clear on what the big fear is. Feel it, write it down, and explore its opposite to uncover your genuine desires.

Clarify Desires through Fear

Although fear is perceived as a “negative” expression, it can reveal a sacred opportunity to clarify your true desires. Allow yourself to move the fear energy through writing, singing, or art, allowing it a full expression. By giving fear a full embodiment, it transforms from a loud voice in your unconscious to a catalyst for growth. Then find its opposite, if fear is what you don’t want then what’s its opposite? Write down the clear desire and focus on that.

A Divine Hug

Fear feels a lot like pressure, and perhaps that pressure is like a hug from God/ Divinity. The moment of resistance offers an opportunity that invites you to push against it and make a claim for who you are choosing to be. What if this pressure is the catalyst for embodying your true self?

Include Voices of Fear

When little voices of fear arise, rather than avoiding them, include them in your narrative. Acknowledge the doubts and respond with empowerment. What if you're not ready enough? Well, that's why you're on this journey – to get ready through the process of creation and self-discovery. Create a pattern interrupt in your life to allow yourself to move in a different way that you haven't moved before.

Fear is not a limitation; it's a companion on your journey of self-discovery. By using fear as a guide and ally, you open doors to creativity, presence, alertness, and choice. I hope this exploration has sparked a new perspective for you.

By creating a pattern interrupt and making a conscious creative choice, you give consciousness the chance to express itself through your creativity, presence, and choice.


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